
Sep 18
Press Release

Shuster Receives Champion of Maritime Award

WASHINGTON – Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA) this week received the 2014 Champion of Maritime Award from the American Maritime Partnership (AMP), the voice of the domestic maritime industry. The organization provides the prestigious award to recognize an individual who has displayed extraordinary dedication to and consistent support for the American maritime industry.

Sep 11
Press Release

Vessel Operators Remember 9/11 Heroism, Work Daily to Keep Country Safe

On the 13th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, America’s tugboat, towboat and barge industry pauses to remember the nearly 3,000 Americans who lost their lives, and also to acknowledge the inspiring bravery shown by first responders and everyday citizens on that tragic day. One of the most notable acts of valor was the maritime evacuation of Lower Manhattan – the largest water evacuation in American history – in which 500,000 people were transported to safety by hundreds of vessels which answered a call from the U.S.

Sep 10
Press Release

American Maritime Partnership: Domestic American Maritime Industry Booming

The U.S. House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation today heard first hand about America’s booming domestic maritime industry from Mark Tabbutt, Chairman of the Board of Saltchuk, one of the country’s most recognized transportation and distribution companies, who was testifying on behalf of the American Maritime Partnership (AMP). Tabbutt told Subcommittee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and Ranking Member Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) that American maritime, supported by the Jones Act, is strong, vibrant, and growing.

Aug 6
Press Release

Bipartisan Congressional Effort Ends Burdensome Regulation for Nation’s Mariners

Last week, the Transportation Security Administration began nationwide implementation of a highly anticipated program that reforms the unnecessarily burdensome process by which mariners and other transportation workers receive required Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC). The TWIC OneVisit program eliminates the requirement that workers make two trips to a TWIC enrollment center to pick up and then activate their TWIC.

Jul 24
Press Release

Nation’s Vessel Operators Join EPA as SmartWay® Affiliate

AWO announced today that it joined the SmartWay® Transport Partnership, an innovative collaboration between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and stakeholders in the transportation industry that provides a framework to assess and improve environmental and energy efficiency of goods movement within supply chains. “This program is a natural fit for AWO and our member companies,” said Tom Allegretti, AWO’s President & CEO.
