2023 AWO Annual Report - Leadership and Impact

Dear AWO Members,
We are pleased to share with you AWO’s 2023 Annual Report, Leadership and Impact. The report highlights the results of our work together over the past year as the tugboat, towboat and barge industry’s advocate, resource, and united voice for safe, sustainable and efficient transportation on America’s waterways, oceans and coasts.
In 2023, we faced tough challenges on both the operational and public policy fronts, but through our collective work, we made real progress and delivered meaningful results. As we celebrate AWO’s 80th anniversary in 2024, we look forward to working with you to build on this momentum, keep our industry moving forward, and get hard things done.
Thank you for your membership, engagement and support, and Happy New Year!
Rick Iuliucci
Chairman of the Board
Jennifer Carpenter
President & CEO