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2017 Annual Pacific Region Meeting

The Four Seasons Seattle
February 1, 2017
Join your fellow AWO members in Seattle at AWO's upcoming 2107 Pacfic Region Annual Meeting!  This unique meeting allows members the opportunity to hear about pivotal industry and association issues in the midst of abundant networking opportunities.  All AWO members are welcome to attend.  As always, this meeting is for AWO members only.  Please contact Anne Fazzini at or (703) 841-9300 ext. 291 regarding attendance inquiries.
To register for this meeting, please log in to the members-only side of the website and register via your member dashboard.  Contact Anne Fazzini with any registration quesitons.


Venue: The Four Seasons Seattle
99 Union Street
Seattle, WA 98101
For our members' convenience, a block of rooms has been reserved at the The Four Seasons Seattle at a group rate of $270 exclusive of taxes and fees.  The preferred rate will be available until January 6, 2017, or until all rooms are reserved.  To reserve your room online, please visit the hotel's website here and use promo code CI0117AWO.  You may also reserve a room by calling the hotel's reservation line at (206) 749-7000 and referencing "The American Waterways Operators Pacific Region Annual Meeting."


Become a Meeting Sponsor!
Sponsorships are available for AWO member companies looking for an extra level of exposure while proudly displaying support of AWO's mission.  To take advantage of a sponsorship opportunity, please download and complete the sponsorship form here, and email your completed form to Anne Fazzini at  In order to be included on printed meeting materials, please submit your sponsorship form by Wednesday, January 4, 2017.  Contact Anne Fazzini (, or (703) 841-9300 ext. 291) for availability and with any questions.